Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Heh, so I haven't been blogging in awhile but I'm back. I love this url too much to get rid of it for good even though I don't blog much. Speaking of urls, my apologies to those who encountered a porn site while trying to view my portfolio, the url died (it was free internet hosting) and it was forwarded to a porn site.

So project 3 is over. But there's final year project coming up. It's dreadful yet exciting because it's the last academic project I'm going to do in a long long time and it's also the biggest, most important project.

I'm graduating in approximately 5 months. It is extremely scary and nervewrecking to think that life would go down a dark and uncertain path from then on. I know I should be more optimistic. But I simply can't help it after seeing what I've seen during SIP.

Why is Stage6 always down when I wanna watch videos and when I need to sleep it decides to go back up but load really slowly. :(

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
11:56 PM

  Monday, May 07, 2007

While everyone was busy having a fantastic life, I spent my time arguing about staircases with my boyfriend over the phone. Yes, staircases again. I remembered we argued about staircases before, back in ADT class.

Internship is getting better, now that I'm working under Anne. She seems to be really pleased with my work and she is always asking me not to do my work so fast. Although I'm already going at my slowest rate.

13th of May. That's THE DAY I'm getting my phone. Everything is set already. Have my Fabrix Case and my MicroSD card ready.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
1:21 AM

  Saturday, April 21, 2007

23 more days to my new phone! :) I can't wait. Because on the week I'm getting my new phone is also the sixth week of SIP. Every day I get closer to the end.

I don't get how everyone is enjoying themselves and I'm going through hell. I should write a book entitled "Being in the company of bitches: an intern's story". I feel like telling them, "Hey when you pay peanuts you get monkeys."

Had a great time today. Except for the lousy thin crust pizza which should only be eaten by people who wanna keep thin. Haha.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
11:56 PM

  Sunday, April 01, 2007

I have decided. I'm getting the w810 (pronounced double-you-eight-one-oh). :) It's going to be my new baby around mid-may, when my contract ends. I'm so excited, I'm even more excited then I was when the 6th Harry Potter Book came out. I've started shopping for a case for it already. Fabrix Cases has absolutely gorgeous ones. And I have been collecting a rather healthy amount of Java Games to be installed on my new phone!

Robot doesn't appreciate the beauty of Java Games, he only likes his TV and Zs. Robot keeps lamenting how I've become obssessed and that one day I will stop designing and run a handphone shop. Haha. Poor Robot, thinking so much all the time.

I want you to know you make me happy
I want you to know you make me sad
I want you to know you make me happy
You're the best that I've ever had

Thinking of Korea makes me sad.

Not only has Min Jun become my twin, she is now my older sister. Can you believe it?

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
2:35 AM

  Thursday, March 29, 2007

I didn't know you missed me that much. You're so cute sometimes, counting down the minutes till we meet.

Here is a post dedicated to you darling James. Because you've been asking me to update my blog. Why I must do so, I don't quite understand. But I always listen to what you ask me to do, and that makes me a good girl. :) Haha.

No matter how angry or sad or hurt you make me, I will still love you. I know you have your bad moments but you have your good moments too.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
2:32 AM

  Wednesday, May 31, 2006

All hail the Singapore Sale! The greedy, lustful being within me is almost taking over. I can't stop daydreaming about the stuff I want my mom to get me. So here's my wishlist (I'm lucky if i can even get half of these stuff):

1. A wrap dress (I want!)
2. A sleeveless shirtdress
3. A white embroided spaghetti top
4. A brown halter (the one I had spoilt)
5. Army green shorts
6. Knee-length wrap skirt (in brown or white preferably. my two fav colours)
7. Chunky white plastic beaded necklace
8. Silver pearl necklace which is attached with a ribbon
9. White crystal braclet
10. Thin knotted belt (leather or with hanging shells)
11. Ballet pumps, unadorned and in a solid colour
12. Black pointy pumps
13. Olive and brown eyeshadow
14. Skincare set for Darling
15. Fitted blazer

Gosh a long list huh? It'll all cost approximately $700! And that's only an estimate.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
10:09 PM

  Saturday, May 06, 2006

Realised my blog was rather depressing and everything so I'm putting up lots of happy photos!

That's my cat, tigger, he's trying to scare me by popping out behind the keyboard.

When he was a few weeks old. KAWAII!

Our Space and Form models. Ordering a nine square grid. I remember how we got our lecturer, KK, into so much trouble for illegally using the lighting studio.

The canaries. Can you guess whose hands are whose?

The canaries ages ago. Me, Peiling and James. During a sketching session.

Peiling, her royal nun-ness. Hahaha.

My ugly haircut eons ago.


That is me. The uber-goddess. On the trip home from malaysia.

Christmas Tree, oh christmas tree. Took this for Visual Merchandising. It was a lovely Christmas tree. Black and gold.

Just some of my photography work.

Bare feet, in the canteen. I couldn't resist taking a sneak shot.


All images shown above are my original work and are copyright. Should you wish to use them for a legitimate, non-profit purposes, do email me for written permission stating the your name, purpose of use and which photographs you wish to use. Any unauthorized use is an infringement of copyright and can lead to legal action.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
11:26 AM

  Monday, April 03, 2006

It's pathetic how I'm still hoping for you to show me how much you love me. It's shameless how I'm still clinging on to the hope that there is a proper explanation to everything that has happened. And even if there isn't, that you are planning to shower me with apologies and right all this wrong.

I should have trusted my own judgement, I believed someone I barely even knew. When I knew you so well, and I knew you would never lie.

Lord, I ask for your help because I'm unable to help myself.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
2:07 AM

  Sunday, April 02, 2006

My darlings Foo Hua and Xin Lei are back from Shanghai. Yay!

I'm moving on. You are probably reading this blog thinking, did I manage to do it? Did I manage to ruin her life? Too bad, you didn't. You may have lied, cheated and hurt me a whole lot. But I'm gonna stand strong and look forward.

Orchard Road is very alive at night. And I'm not referring to the 8-9pm kind of night. More like the 1-2am kind of night. Went to watch Russian Dolls with Elroy and Peiling last night. Three words: Silly French Film. You decide whether you wanna watch.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
8:55 PM

  Thursday, March 30, 2006

It came back.

My depression came back today. It was so sudden and even worse than before. I just wish all this pain and grief would engulf me and take my life away, just like how it is sucking my happiness out of me now.

Create new dreams. Easy for you to say. You never had any dreams taken from you or destroyed by the people you loved.

I want to cry but it just feels too tiring to do so. I just wanna sleep. And hope I will die in my sleep. Then I will finally find peace. I will finally be away from all these earthly concerns. No one will miss me anyway. I am a burden and nothing more.

diagnosed of lucid psychosis
7:52 PM


  about the girl
 nineteen, 02031988
 cursed with expensive taste
 obsessed with bleach (the anime not the chemical)
 broke and penniless
 hopelessly in love
 loves design

bestie =)
boon piang
wei qin
foo hua

  • May 2005
  • June 2005
  • July 2005
  • August 2005
  • September 2005
  • October 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • February 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • September 2007

  • © 2005, 2006, 2007